From the ta.ts travel agency mirror—invoiced values August 2022 vs. 2021 & 2019.
● The German long-haul travel market is re-establishing its primacy as continental Europe’s top overseas source market for the visitors to the U.S. The latest data from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Travel & Tourism Office (NTTO) affirm this standing in another article on a related matter elsewhere in this issue INBOUND.
● As well, a new report from Oxford Economics for the World Travel & Tourism Council shows there has been no change in the world tourism economy’s top three countries: Germany is third, behind only the USA and China.
● At the same time, a survey conducted by the online travel portal Urlaubsguru in conjunction with Yougov, indicated that a quarter of Germans would travel with the Corona infection.
● With that kind of hype (there is more from different publications), one might expect the German trade trade press to soften the starchy tone of their interpretation of the latest report from the ta-ts Travel Mirror, which delivers a monthly analysis of the retail part of the travel and tourism industry, based on agency sales of the industry’s different sectors. (During the worst part of the global pandemic, the ta-ts report became the only reliable and recognized information on Germany’s tourism industry.)
● No one seemed to cheer the latest report—not that there was material that would cause to be people truly cheerful. Instead, the tone of the coverage on the report was this: Good work, but your sales levels are still down by more than 25 percent less than they were during this month in 2019—which has become a sort of base mark measure of the industry’s performance.
Base mark or not, here’s what the recent “ta.ts* Reisebürospiegel” report had to tell us.
The invoiced total turnover of the travel agencies recorded in the “ta.ts* Reisebürospiegel” (Travel Agency Mirror) was:
- Up 110.5 percent last month (August) compared to the same month of 2021. Compared to August 2019, the invoiced total turnover was minus 10.0 percent.
- The invoiced tourism turnover in August shows an increase of 80.7 percent compared to 2021. Compared to August 2019, the invoiced tourism turnover is down 12.6%.
- Air traffic revenue this month was up 162.1 percent vs. 2021. As of August 2019, air traffic revenue was down 12.3 percent.
Other sales are up 96.9 percent in August 2022 vs. 2021 and up 13.4% vs. 2019. - The number of tickets was up 71.6 percent compared to August 2021 and down compared to August 2019 by 35.7 percent.
- In August, sales from the tourism sub-division of cruises were up 129.4 percent compared to 2021 and down 15.0 percent compared to August 2019.
- Cumulatively, the total invoiced travel agency turnover in the months from January to August was up 242.7 percent compared to 2021. For the period January to August vs. 2019, the cumulative invoiced travel agency turnover was down 27.5 percent.
- Tourism recorded an increase of 229.8 percent compared to 2021 and minus 24.5 percent compared to 2019. Air traffic recorded an increase of 281.6 percent compared to 2021 and compared to 2019 a minus of 32.4 percent.
- Other sales show an increase of 168.5 percent compared to 2021 and a minus of 14.2% compared to 2019.
- The number of tickets was up 190.5 percent compared to 2021 and down 46.5 percent compared to 2019. The cruise sub-sector shows a cumulative increase of 309.9 percent compared to 2021 or down 30.5 percent compared to 2019.
Tourism Order Intake
- In August 2022, the incoming orders in tourism amounted to 70.9 percent in a monthly comparison to 2021.
- The tourist order book by travel date up to August 2022 was up 158.4 percent compared to the previous year.
- In the cruise sub-division, incoming orders are up 195.4 percent month-on-month, and the order backlog by voyage date through August 2022 is up 114.0 percent.
- In August 2022, the incoming orders in tourism amounted to minus 21.0 percent in a monthly comparison to 2019.
- The tourism order book by travel date until October 2022 is minus 42.1% compared to 2019.
- In the cruise sub-division, incoming orders in a monthly comparison to 2019 are minus 14.1 percent.
The tourism order book by travel date until October 2022 is minus 43.3 percent compared to 2019.
*Travel Agency Technologies & Services GmbH, Frankfurt. CEO: Rainer Burghardt, info@ta-ts.de