Following are the top ten photos submitted for the First Annual Inbound Report ipw Photo Contest. We’ve arranged them and tagged them in no particular order. If you have a comment or insight on any of the selections, please let us know by contacting, and letting us know by identifying the photo in question by its letter. Your comments and observations will help us as we make our selections and announce the first, second and third place winners in our next issue.

David Sporn, CEO of Bonotel Exclusive Travel; Faisal Sublaban, president of Bonotel Exclusive Travel; Roger Dow, president and CEO of U.S. Travel Association; and Brian Wilder, senior vice president and vice president President of PrimeSport. Photo submitted by Ericka Aviles, director of sales-The Americas, Bonotel Exclusive Travel.

A note: when we planned this contest, we did so with no strict guidelines or categories—we were looking for the best ipw photo. Period. We now realize that:
—Orlando, with the backdrop of its famed attractions, has an overwhelming advantage for outdoor shots.
—No matter what the setting, the inevitable “grip-and-grin” formula for photos within, or in front of, exhibit, is limiting. So, in making our selections, we looked for the quirky, the offbeat or that with a different “signature.”
—And no matter what the setting, we valued authenticity: the whimsical expression, the element of surprise and/or that particular something that differentiates the photo from others.
We will work to improve the contest and its guidelines for entering and competing for ipw 2016 in New Orleans. In the interim, let us know what you think about this year’s Top Ten. Send your comments to: