And More of Them Arrive via NYC than Any Other USA Point of Entry: Because the collection and distribution of data collected by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has improved over the past year, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) has expedited the way it processes the information
And the information recently posted by NTTO shows that more than half of all visitors to the United States visit either New York State or California. Add California to the measure, and the data tell us that more than 7 out of 10 overseas visitors make in these three states. We’ll leave it to the reader to conduct their own analysis of what the data mean.

Where They Are Landing: More than one of every five international travelers who flew into the United States during the first half of this year came here via the New York City metropolitan area as 16.6 percent came via JFK International Airport, which is situated in the Borough of Queens, while another 4.9 percent landed at Newark’s Liberty International Airport (a good portion of which, locals might tell you, is located in Elizabeth, New Jersey). A little more than one out of every eight visitors land at Miami International Airport, which has become a de facto capital city for some of the Americas, and a little less than one out of every eight arrive at Los Angeles International Airport, which has benefited from increased air lift from China over the past five years.