The most recent count of arrivals from overseas countries to the United States—they are for November 2019—show that Europe, taken as a single market—remains the largest and steadiest market of all of INBOUND’s Top 15 Overseas Source Markets.
The latest numbers from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) for overseas visitors—they appear in the tables below–continue to make it look like 2019 will end its run as a flat-to-little-growth year, complete with a decline in traffic from China for the second year in a row. And the U.S. share of global long-hall traffic continues to decline.
Still, if you are searching for positive figures to put into a report you are preparing, consider this: seven of the top overseas country markets for the U.S. are from Europe and the range of year-to-date traffic through November 2019 goes from a seven percent increase for Spain to a low of three-tenths of a one percent decline (statistically speaking, it rounds to a zero) for Germany.
And despite a consensus view among the UK news media through much of the year that was pessimistic about the impact of Brexit on British travelers, it appears that, no matter what, the Brits have shown that they are taking their overseas holidays. All of these factors seem validate Brand USA’s new strategy for the future of regarding Europe as a single market.
A note: the tables below do not include arrivals from Canada and Mexico, which are determined differently than the overseas figures that NTTO counts. Overseas arrivals account about half of all international visitors to the USA.

Congratulations to Chris Thompson and to Brand USA and Roger Dow and Tori Barnes.
You are all the heroes of US Travel! Thank you so much!