For the most part, INBOUND news items regarding Canada usually treat the county as a market that sends travelers to the United States; we tend to forget that the country is also a North American destination, as is the USA. And, as the data below show, the U.S. is both a source recipient of, and a source provider to, Canadian inbound totals, as many travelers from abroad land in the United States, but continue on to Canada via auto, rail and other modes of transportation.
The big news from the USA’s neighboring destination/source market is that 2019 marked the third consecutive year for inbound traffic from other nations.
The preliminary data and information in the table below are for Destination Canada’s top 11 international source markets.

Other notes:
—Destination Canada focuses on driving international arrivals by air; year-over-year changes are now displayed for air arrivals. More detailed information, including arrivals by other modes of transportation, can be found in the Monthly Snapshot at: www.destinationcanada.com/en/monthly-tourism-snapshot
—Direct air capacity to Canada grew by 2 percent to the highest level ever, representing an additional 900 seats on inbound flights.