When one reviews the available new data on sales volume in the retail travel industry in Germany—data sets for travel and tourism simply aren’t available for the wholesale or tour operator sub sectors—there is one, just one, impression or interpretation of the information that is in the remotest way positive. And that is: the numbers for the month of September were about the same as they were for the month of August. In other words, it didn’t get any worse.
It’s pretty much the same assessment for the wholesale-long-haul segment of the industry. The German travel trade publication fvw tells us that just 5 percent of Germans are planning a foreign holiday this autumn “amid calls from politicians for people to stay within the country to avoid coronavirus.” It’s difficult to tell, based on what data there are, if there are that many German travelers planning the same or otherwise.
Back to the latest travel agency numbers:
—The total invoiced turnover of the travel agencies recorded in the ta.ts travel agency mirror* in September 2020 was minus 84.2 percent compared to the same month last year.
—The billed tourism turnover shows a minus of 77.9 percent in September.
—The turnover in air traffic registered a minus of 94.7 percent for the month.
—The turnover from the tourism sub-division cruises was down 78.3 percent.
— “Other” sales were minus 70.5 percent.
—The number of tickets recorded was is minus 88.8 percent.
Viewed cumulatively, the total invoiced travel agency turnover in the months from January to September was minus 73.5 percent.
—Tourism recorded a minus of 69.3 percent.
—Air traffic recorded a minus 79.7 percent.
— “Other” sales had a minus of number of 60.8 percent.
—The number of tickets showed a minus of 75.3 percent.
—The cruises segment recorded a decrease of 62.8 percent.
Below, INBOUND presents the data in a tabular format.

* – Travel Agency Technologies & Services, which is based in Frankfurt