Will Canada/Mexico Stay a Static Market?
What Hope is There for a Rejuvenated Source Market of the USA’s Neighbors? In the case of Canada and Mexico, the global pandemic triggered just about a year ago by the breakout of the COVID-19 virus infected a market that was already experiencing a long-term case of the blahs; this is not good news for the U.S. because about a half of all international visitors to the United States come from Canada and Mexico combined.
And it certainly has been a big case of the blahs. Take a look at the tables below. In the most recent five-year window (2015 thru 2019) for which we have meaningful data and one will see that visitor levels generated for both country markets were almost exactly the same in 2019 as they were for 2015. No upward nor downward movement at all.
INBOUND took a look at the data to see if there might be some relationship, some correlation between some data that could answer two of the most commonly-referred-to causes that travel and tourism marketers suggest in trying to explain why the two markets have been such sluggish performers. We wanted to see how the data movement was related to the two most commonly cited reasons for the flat markets. (Caution: correlation does mean causation.)
1. Most often cited as a reason or guess was the political environment in the United States. Many tour operators and receptive tour operators, as well as U.S. travel suppliers have a negative opinion of now-former U.S. President Donald Trump.
Sure enough, inbound travel from Mexico dropped more than 6 percent in 2017, the first year of the Trump presidency. During that year, Trump’s approval rating among Mexicans dropped to single-digit percentages. Still, visitation from Mexico returned to almost the same five-year level in 2018.
Besides, there are so many people in the United States (according to a 2017 Pew Research Center analysis) with family ties to the U.S. Mexicans, which are the largest population of Hispanic origin living in the United States—more than 36 million the study said. They accounted for 62 percent of the U.S. Hispanic population in 2017. Since 2000, the Mexican-origin population has increased 76 percent, growing from 20.9 million to 36.6 million over the period.
Also, Mexicans have an easier time navigating their way to and through the United States which has more Spanish-speaking people than does Spain.
So, despite what most Mexicans might have felt about Donald Trump personally, it apparently did not have a meaningful impact on their numbers when it came to the matter of visiting the U.S.
And Canadians? According to an October 2018 Pew study, only 25 percent of Canadians rated Trump positively. While not a positive figure, it is still a better reading than Trump had in Mexico. And there were few claims that his popularity, or lack thereof, had a noticeable impact on travel to the U.S.

2. It appears that the currency exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and both the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso has had more of an impact than any other stand-alone factor.
Take the case of Canada. INBOUND recalled a conversation back in the middle of the past decade with a U.S. travel supplier who depended heavily on Canadian visitor traffic that made overnight trips in to bordering New York State. He told us that businesses were able to absorb the financial impact when the Loonie (another name for the Canadian dollar) fell to 75 cents on the dollar but, below that meant real pain. Sure enough, the value of the Loonie against the U.S. dollar-drop by 23 percent from 2014 to 2016 to 72 cents. Visitor traffic fell by 2.3 million! The Loonie has clawed its way back to 79 cents vs. the dollar.

The Mexican peso, meanwhile fell by more than 28 percent from the end of 2014 to the beginning of 2017, during which Mexican traffic fell by more than 1 million visitors.

Correlation or Causation? We can’t say with certainty, but the data above certainly seem to suggest that the decline in the value of the Loonie and the peso had something to do with the no growth path of Canadian and Mexico visitation to the U.S.
Q: Will the situation change?
A: Of course, it will. Connect Travel, which publishes the INBOUND Report, held several webinar virtual roundtables during the past year that brought together Canadian tour operators, sell the U.S. product as well as domestic Canadian tour operators who send visitors to the U.S. and other parts of Canada.
If there was one message that seemed to ring loudly through all of the discussion about when the market would begin to recover and which segment (domestic or international) would recover first, it really didn’t have to deal with where Canadian travelers would visit in the USA. It all had to do with a pent-up demand that is ready to explode once it is safe to travel. As of this writing, there seems to be a consensus that it will likely be no sooner than end of the second quarter or during the beginning of Q3.
In the interim, all of the data churned out by NTTO will be there to study for full-year 2020 and full-year 2021 but these won’t meaning—except for monthly or quarterly data that can be matched to the same months in the data for 2019 and before—for some months ahead. Then, maybe, Canada can put the blahs behind.
Travel’s Recovery Likely by Q2 & Q3
A panel of tour and travel industry experts comprising international tour operators, a major U.S. travel supplier and a fabled U.S. destination in the U.S. Northeast last week re-launched Connect Travel’s “Staying Connected” series of virtual roundtables with a spirited discussion of the near-term outlook for the industry in 2021. More than 200 people saw and/or heard the broadcast.
The panel was comprised of the following participants:
Pabs Raghava, CEO, Tours Limited
Radhika Tripurani, senior director, public relations and digital marketing, Tours Limited
Audrey Bialas, director of sales, Visit Hershey & Harrisburg
Julie Payne, tourism enhancement Specialist, Hershey’s Chocolate World
Madhavi Chimalapati, principal senior director, sales & marketing, Tours Limited
Shari Bailey (moderator), vice president, Connect Travel, general manager, Connect Travel Events
Top Half Dozen Takeaways
1. It now seems that any real tour and travel industry recovery won’t take off until at least the second quarter of 2021 and, possibly, in Q3. Hopes of a Q1 recovery launch faded as the COVID-19 crisis has kept consumer demand low and concerns high.
2. There are three main things that need to be cleared up from both source countries and destination countries. First is the opening of borders; second is vaccine availability and use; and third is sufficient airline seat capacity. If all of these take place, operators could begin getting new bookings by the end of March.
3. Many meetings and events that were cancelled in 2020 have been moved forward to 2021, creating logistical challenges—but challenges that can be overcome.
4. As international and group travel continues to languish, operators, with the help of destinations, are developing new FIT product.
5. Some operators are reporting an increase in request for domestic products and itineraries.
6. Safety, security and peace of mind (SSP) are what consumers want and constitute a number one priority for operators, although there could be an easing of some of SSP protocols once vaccination numbers increase appreciably.
Selected Quotes:
Shari Bailey: “We’re close—we’re closer than we’ve ever been to recovery. So, what does that look like
and how do we move forward?
Pabs Raghava: “We had to put everybody in furlough. Now, we are opening up 2021. We’re just in the in a process of already launching our 2021 products and looking for a whole better year than 2020.
Pabs Raghava: “When COVID started to happen around mid-march of 2020, we were ahead of sales by 20 percent over 2019. Already we were way ahead actually, and we were looking forward for a very good 2020 and then, of course, the COVID thing happened.”
Audrey Bialas: “Last year, events like meetings and conventions and sports and things like that all got cancelled or displaced got kind of shoved into slots for this year. So now, it’s a matter of kind of figuring out where those open slots are based on what got So, pushed into 2021—that’s what we’re trying to get a handle on now.”
Julie Payne: “Our third market (after international and student) is the group tour travel market, which is the traditional inbound motor coach tourism, and that’s actually coming back first.”
Radhika Tripurani: “There may not be so many groups but there will definitely be small groups like families and friends and you know all the people are traveling in pods … they’re meeting with their own set of people, where they feel safe to gather and meet and all … and those are the people who are traveling together as well, so we have requests for cabin rentals or small band tours where they can travel safely and securely that’s what we are working with our partners like our coach companies or the hotels or the restaurants that we work with or the attractions that we have included in the itinerary.”
Audrey Bialas: “We never stopped selling but selling is different now um so without trade shows taking place in that face-to-face interaction we’ve had to find different ways to stay in touch with our customers and with our partnerships.”
Julie Payne: “I look at 2021 as a year to be a pioneer for tourism. We’re all in on this
call and we’re involved in this industry and this year we are very blessed. We are very thankful. That’s how I feel every single day—thankful. So, as a pioneer I don’t think we look at each other as competitors anymore. I think we look at each other as pioneers.”
Pabs Raghava: “You know, if we hang in there for the next two to three months, everything will open up. Everything will shape up. Everything will look clear. We’ll be on our way to go. We just have to be patient a little bit more, and then I think we are good to go.”
Madhavi Chimalapati: “Right now, it’s more like being a personal relationship with all of the suppliers. They are not only like you or know you. They’re not only partners; they’ve been our friends all throughout. So, we are constantly in touch with them. We exchange messages. I think we are just trying to build on the relationship that we already have with these people.”
Fewer Flights, but American is Still #1
Chinese carriers are gaining: Although the global pandemic that was triggered by the coronavirus found in China dealt a crippling blow to the worldwide airline industry, it did not hurt the position of the Chinese carriers that now power much of the international travel marketplace and, in the process, making China the number one source market for long-haul tourism. In fact, as the airline network news and analysis group—it is better known simply as anna•aero—has pointed out in its research on the subject that four Chinese carriers are now among the Top Ten international airlines this winter based on OAG data. (Rank is determined by number of seats.)
In fact, China Southern is Number 3 among major airlines, crowding out United and Southwest versus last winter. There are now seven Chinese carriers among the Top 20 international airlines, according to anna•aero. Be sure to check the key below the table.
German Agencies End Weakest Year
About the only reliable statistical measure of the travel business in German is the ta.ts (Travel Agency Technologies & Services) travel agency mirror. And according to the Frankfort-based organization, the industry several weeks ago closed out December with dismal data for a dismal year.
—The total invoiced turnover of the travel agencies recorded in the ta.ts travel agency mirror in December 2020 was minus 86.6 percent compared to the same month last year.
—The billed tourism turnover shows a minus of 90.0 percent in November. Air traffic revenue was down 90.2 percent for the month. The “other” sales were minus 63.2 percent and the number of tickets was minus 90.9 percent. Sales from the tourism sub-division cruises were down 84.7 percent in November.
—Viewed cumulatively, the total invoiced travel agency turnover in the months from January to December was minus 77.6 percent. Tourism recorded a minus of 74.7 percent, while air traffic recorded a minus of 82.8 percent. The other sales show a minus of 64.1 percent and the number of tickets a minus of 79.2 percent. The cruises segment recorded a decrease of 71.4 percent.
—Incoming orders for tourism are minus 97.2 percent compared to the month. The tourism order backlog by travel date up to October 2021 is minus 79.9 percent.
—In the sub-division cruises, incoming orders were minus 101.8 percent in a month-on-month comparison, the order backlog by travel date up to October 2021 is minus 68.1 percent.

TourOperatorLand Partner of the Week: Visit Bellingham/Whatcom County
Bellingham is located in Washington State’s northwest corner—just 90 miles (145 km) north of Seattle and 55 miles (88 km) south of Vancouver, British Columbia. As Whatcom County’s largest city and county seat, Bellingham provides an urban vibe in an otherwise predominantly rural environment.
Bellingham consistently ranks among the top 10 cities with the cleanest air nationwide, as one of the best places to live, best places to retire, and “hippest, healthiest, and most adventure-packed” small cities in America. Reflective of its quintessential Pacific Northwest spirit, Bellingham has earned recognition as a “Best Place to Play Year-Round”, “Coastal Dream Town,” “Top 10 Adventure Town,” “Trail Town USA,” “Best Paddling Town in the USA” and “Happiest Small City.”
Also, Whatcom County is America’s raspberry capital and produces 65 percent of the red raspberries in the nation – more than 57 million pounds each year.
Mount Baker is a 10,781-foot (3,286 meters) slumbering volcano, which dominates the southeastern horizon. A record holder for most snowfall and longest ski season, Mount Baker transforms seamlessly with the seasons to offer year-round, world-class recreation options.
Whatcom County’s western border encompasses over 130 miles (209 km) of meandering marine shoreline including the Salish Sea is an intricate network of coastal waterways shared by the US and Canada and is one of the world’s largest and biologically richest inland seas.
Your Verified Destination Contact for Visit Bellingham is Sandy Ward, president & CEO of Visit Bellingham. You can reach her via sandy@belingham.com, or by balling 360.674.3990.
Here is a sampler from the many royalty-free images of Bellingham that you will find at Visit Bellingham’s TourOperatorLand pages.

Want to see more? Check out the Bellingham’s TourOperLand pages at https://www.touroperatorland.com/destinations/bellingham_wa
World’s 25 Most Unforgettable Viewpoints
For Operators and Clients, They’re Simply Instagrammable: According to Instagram, the USA is the country with the most popular viewpoints in the world. Following the USA, it’s the UK.
So, where can one find the most beautiful views in the world, views that could drive individuals or groups to a destination? That’s what Unforgettable Travel Company has tried to do with a recently released list that provides tour operators worldwide with those places on earth most popular for memorable for travelers—according to the number of posts on Instagram.
A luxury travel company with offices in London, San Francisco and Split (Croatia) the company set out to discover the top viewpoints in the world. Said the operator in a statement accompanying the release of its list: “We took to Instagram to analyze the lookout points, observatories, viewing terraces, skywalks, and more that prove most popular with travelers—from iconic views such as the Top of the Rock to lesser-known locations like the Petřín Hill Lookout in Prague and Sky Terrace 428 in Hong Kong.”
Below, one can to find out the most popular viewpoints in the world according to Instagram.

Read the original article here.
Notes on the LATAM Market
Should I stay or should I go? Brazilians split on travel. With the country’s summer travel season upon us and, its people are divided between traveling or staying in isolation. As the trade publication, Diário Turismo put it, “and the temptation to travel is great, but how do you reconcile the desire for rest with the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for isolation?” A survey by the research firm Fronte Pesquisa asked 750 Brazilian consumers late last month what they intended to do about traveling in the following months ahead. The results:
—21 percent said they should travel, whether or not a vaccine is available in Brazil.
—However, the same percentage, 21 percent, said that they will stay home because of insecurity about the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic.
—A plurality of the respondents, 34 percent, should travel only if a vaccine is available.
—Among the population with the highest income, the intention to travel only if there is a vaccine available rises to 43 percent.
—Among those who have children at home, the trip due to the existence of a vaccine is considered by 41 percent.
—Women are more concerned and more careful about the pandemic, with 25 percent saying they will stay at home, whether or not they have a vaccine, because they feel insecure with COVID-19
—Click here for the complete article.
Travel Impressions Mexico Shuts Down: The operator was/is a brand of the Apple Leisure Group, which is headquartered in suburban Philadelphia PA. It announced earlier this month that they were suspending commercial activity, indicating they will continue to operate to serve all existing reservations with departures until the definitive closing date scheduled for December 30. September 2021. For this reason, they will not accept new reservations as of today.
Said the statement: “Travel Impressions Mexico has had many successes, respect and recognition in its more than 45 years of history, working together with our clients, suppliers and other business partners. However, the ongoing impact of COVID-19 has been so severe that the difficult decision was made to cease business activity in Mexico. Rest assured that during this process we will honor our commitments and we will ensure that we carry out a gradual closure of our company in an orderly manner over the next nine months.”
In the meantime, the company said:
—A team of leaders will remain in the company until March 31, 2021 and will be available to answer any questions.
—A team from call center, operations and finance will continue working until September 30 to follow up on all existing reservations.
—Service hours during this period will be from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Eastern Airlines has launched service between Miami and Asunción, Paraguay on January 3rd. The flight will operate twice-weekly. The launch flight took off from Miami at 0059, one minute ahead of schedule, and landed in the Paraguayan capital at 1105 after eight hours and six minutes. The return flight departed at 23:45 and touched back in Miami at 05:51 on January 4th. American Airlines was the last carrier to operate Miami to Asunción. It served it between 2012 and 2015, according to OAG.
Panama-based airline Copa is back operating to Tampa Airport from Panama City. The re-start began on January 8th following a period of eight months. Copa is currently operating the route twice-weekly, but it will return to once-a-day daily from the end of May. Copa is the only carrier on the route, which began in 2013. In, the airline had almost 73,000 seats on it. Frequency varied from three-a-weekly to seven-a-week. Airline news analyst anna•aero notes that the route revolves around connectivity over Panama City. Booking data show that around 78 percent of passengers transited. Colombia was by far the single-largest country market, with over twice as many passengers as No. 2 Ecuador.
Increased Air Service from Mexico to Houston: Viva Aerobus, Mexico’s ultra-low-cost airline, has strengthened its presence in Houston with a new route from Cancun and with an increase in flights from Mexico City and Monterrey to Houston. Cancun-to-Houston is already in operation with one flight a week. Also, for this month of January, Viva offers George Bush Intercontinental Airport up to 6 flights a week from Mexico City (a route just launched last year), and up to 11 weekly frequencies from Monterrey. As a result, Viva Aerobus registers a 185 percent increase in its flight offer to and from Houston compared to the first quarter of 2020, offering more than 92 thousand seats considering its regular routes from Mexico City, Cancun and Monterrey. Viva already has 8 routes in Texas, flying from Dallas and San Antonio to Mexico City and Monterrey; and from Houston to Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey and, now, to Cancun.
United Airlines will have an additional frequency between Rio de Janeiro and Houston. Beginning February 3, there will be four flights a week. Operating with a 767-300, the flight will depart on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and Saturdays. On Thursdays, it leaves the Galleon at 11:45 pm and arrives in Houston at 7:15 am the next day. On the other days, the takeoff from Rio is at 21:45 and arrive in Houston at 5:15.
Brazil not expected to recover losses till end of 2022: The Brazilian travel and trade magazine PANROTAS reports: “Despite having grown for the sixth consecutive month, tourism activities are still 30 percent below the pre-pandemic level, according to data from the National Confederation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC), referring to November 2020. ‘The expectation is that the sector will not be able to recover losses before the end of 2022, with a drop of 36.8 percent in 2020,’ says economist Fábio Bentes, from CNC.” Click here for the complete article.
The Top Five Operators in Mexico Named: According to a recent survey of travel agents in Mexico, Mega Travel is far and away at the top of the ranking. The ranking, which based on the votes of the agents, appeared in the travel trade publication, Pasillo Turístico. In the ranking, many travel agents expressed their gratitude to Mega Travel for its help and support during the pandemic.
Click here for a copy of the complete article.
New Product for the Trade
Nashville’s Fifth + Broadway opens March 4th: Making it a point to note that it welcomes group travel, Fifth + Broadway will be one of the largest and most transformational mixed-use developments in the city’s history. Strategically located across from the Ryman Auditorium and Bridgestone Arena, it is at the crossroads of one of the South’s busiest and most iconic hubs. A 6.2-acre site that was once home to the city’s convention center, Fifth + Broadway seamlessly provides the opportunity to live, work, and play all in one city block location. The residential tower and office tower portion of the project have already opened and are active.
A major anchor to the project and opening January 30, 2021, the National Museum of African American Music (NMAAM) is be a 56,000 square foot facility where visitors will discover the many connections and influences that African Americans have had on all types of music. From classical to country to jazz and hip-hop, NMAAM will integrate history and interactive technology to share the untold story of more than 50 music genres and subgenres telling a unique narrative through the lens of black music.
Some of the features Fifth + Broadway has for group travelers include these group-friendly programs: Meet + Greets will be available for groups of any size with a 24-hour notice to receive a Visitor Pass; project tours that can also be arranged in advance; and pre-paid gift cards can be included in the materials for each member of the group. FIT clients are welcome, too. For details, contact Carolyn J. Feimster, travel and tourism manager at Carolyn@CJFMarketingInternational.com, or call 718.757.8489.
• A New Manhattan Skyscraper Observation Deck to Open This Fall: Work is moving along on the observatory in Summit One Vanderbilt, a 1,401-foot-tall commercial supertall in Manhattan’s Midtown East and number four on our countdown of the tallest buildings under construction in the city. Designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox and developed by SL Green Realty Corp., the 77-story skyscraper occupies a full-block parcel immediately to the west of Grand Central Terminal. Although the $1.4 billion property has been officially open since its ribbon-cutting ceremony in mid-September, the indoor-outdoor observatory dubbed The Summit isn’t due to welcome the public until October 2021.
The Summit is slated to become the second-highest outdoor observation deck in New York City and will feature sweeping panoramas of landmarks like the Empire State Building to the southwest, the World Trade Center complex in the Financial District, the slender residential supertalls along Billionaires’ Row to the north, and all of Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island, and the Verrazano Narrows Bridge.
For the latest developments at The Summit, visit https://www.onevanderbilt.com/
• A Selfie Museum? Yes, Nebraska’s Got a Selfie Museum: The Selfie Spot is Omaha’s first and currently only “selfie” museum. Here, guests can immerse themselves in an interactive space with rotating sets to level up their “selfie” and social media feeds. No cash is accepted inside the Selfie Spot. there are no public restrooms or fitting rooms for changing. Tickets must be reserved online, there are limited walk-in spots available. Its last reservation is at 8pm, walk-ins until 8.30pm, on Sundays and Thursdays; 10pm, walk-ins until 10.30pm, on Fridays and Saturdays.
How does it work? Guests walk through the Selfie Spot’s interactive exhibits taking photos on its unique and fun backdrops using their personal phones. Ticket reservations are booked for a one-hour time frame. Please arrive on time and be mindful of the amount of time you are with us to assist with gathering limitations and to not impede on the next set of reservations. Adult tickets cost $20; youth tickets (ages 12 and under) are $15. For more information, visit Home | #PicMe (selfiespotomaha.com) or call 402.590.2123.
• In Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Broadway at the Beach will team up with Dublin Worldwide Productions USA to bring Le Grand Cirque 2.0 to the beach city in summer 2021. The jaw-dropping visual feast of breathtaking group acrobatics features an international cast of artists handpicked for their death-defying abilities and precision skills. Le Grand Cirque 2.0 will set up its 850-seat, fully air-conditioned tent in the southeast corner of Broadway at the Beach from June 1 to October 3. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www.cirquemb.com. or call 843 626 7645.
Hodge Podge: Appointments & Changes

Todd Andrus has joined Premier Parks LLC as director of marketing & sales for “the newest, and most tech-forward waterpark in Central Florida”—Island H2O Live! Previously, he was brand head of marketing, North America, for Merlin Entertainments. He also served a tenure with SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment.

Ellie Westman Chin, the longtime leader of the Franklin (Tenn.) Tourism Board is stepping down after more than six years. Visit Franklin announced Jan. 5 that Chin will leave to join the convention and visitors bureau in Madison, Wisconsin. Prior to her role at Visit Franklin, Chin was vice president, philanthrope, for the Women’s Foundation of Colorado. Previously, she served for seven years with the Atlanta CVB.

Zac Craig has been named president of the Oklahoma City Convention and Visitors Bureau. Craig comes to the position after more than 11 years with Omni Hotels & Resorts, where he most recently served as area director of sales and marketing and was based in Atlanta. Craig replaces Mike Carrier, who retired Sept. 30, 2020. He will begin his new position in February.

Annie Allen, vice president of global tourism sales for CityPASS®, has been appointed for the second time to serve on the San Francisco Travel Association’s board of directors, as well as on its executive committee as chair of the board’s Tourism Committee for the 2021 term. She had previously served from 2013-2017. San Francisco Travel is the official destination marketing organization for San Francisco.

Markus Moschner is no longer CEO of DER Touristik Services, the company’s receptive division. He had held this position since 2013, in which he supervised from the headquarters in Palma (Mallorca) the expansion of the incoming agencies in the regions of Europe, Africa and the Middle East (EMEA). According to published reports, Moschner’s departure from DER Touristik—it is the second largest German tour operator—was at his own request. Moschner began his career at the company that gave rise to DER, LTU Group, where he worked between 1997 and 2009 in Bangkok (Thailand) and Beijing (China). Uli Sperl, CEO, destination management of DER Touristik Group, emphasized his gratitude and wished him the best for his future projects: “I regret your decision to leave us and I appreciate your strong commitment.”

The DMC Network announced the appointment of Lorenzo Pignatti, president of Terraevents, a DMC Network Company, as president of the Association of Destination Management Executives International (ADMEI) in 2021. Lorenzo was the forerunner of the Association’s international development, as he was front line in the task force that met with the former ADME board in 2012 in his hometown of Milan, with the target of making the association one single global voice for DMC professionals. Since then, he has been an active member within the ADMEI community. Lorenzo brings a wealth of experience to the role of President through his 20+ years in the meetings and events industry, and over 10 years running his own group of DMCs.

Gisel Vidals has joined the business development team at Headout is an on-demand mobile marketplace that helps travelers discover & book the most incredible tours, activities, events & local experiences in town for the next 24 hours at exclusive discounted prices. “All it takes is 3 taps and 60 seconds.” The company says it combines “Uber-like convenience” with “HotelTonight-esque” discounted pricing offering last minute deals with 15% cheaper pricing and 3x faster checkout. The company has offices in New York, Bangalore, Berlin, London, Dubai & Hong Kong. A mainstay of the NYC tourism community, Vidals comes to the company from OYO USA, where she served briefly after a tenure with Big Bus Tours, where she was head/vice president of global sales.

Alex Zoghlin has officially started his new role as President and CEO at ATPCO (Airline Tariff Publishing Company) following a two-month, in-depth handover with the executive team. His strategic focus over the next year is accelerating the 56-year-old organization’s ongoing transformation, with an emphasis on making it easier for the airline industry to work with ATPCO in its capacity as a standards body and technology provider, with the intent to dramatically reduce the complexity, cost, friction, and barriers to entry for new and existing customers. Zoghlin brings to ATPCO over 25 years of knowledge and experience in technology, airline distribution, and travel. He founded Orbitz in 1999 and left at its first IPO. He then went on to create G2 Switchworks, a direct connect between major airlines and third-party distributors, which was acquired by Travelport in 2008. More recently, Zoghlin was the Executive Vice President, Global Head of Strategy, Innovation and Technology at Hyatt Hotels Corporation.

The New Mexico Tourism Department has named Lancing Adams as its tourism development director. The appointment last month came almost six years after he served in the department—from 2012-2015 — as its finance director. Most recently, Adams worked as assistant commissioner for the Arizona Department of Real Estate. Adams also spent time with the state’s Children, Youth and Family’s Department as deputy director of operations and as cabinet director for former Gov. Susana Martinez.

Cody A. Gray has been named as president & CEO at Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou Tourism. He had been serving on in the role on an interim basis. He succeeds Timothy Bush who joined OneSpartanburg, Inc. in South Carolina last fall. Before joining Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou Tourism, Gray worked for Columbia County Tourist Development in Florida.

Nick Roberti has been appointed director of group business development in Canada for The Travel Corporation (TTC). Roberti is responsible for the sales and promotions of Trafalgar, Costsaver, Insight Vacations, Luxury Gold and Contiki as it relates to private, scheduled and custom groups across all provinces and territories. Roberti’s previous experience includes positions in sales and business development with G Touring’s sister brand Just You and Collette Tours Canada.

Michael Johnson has been appointed president of Travel Edge, assuming responsibility for both the business and leisure sides of the travel agency which proclaims on its website “We are luxury travel.” Travel Edge is a $750 million company specializing in Leisure, Corporate & Events, and Tours travel. Our Leisure division has 10 offices in the USA, Canada, and Bermuda,

Kara Callahan—she was once director of marketing and new business development at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, then vice president of advertising and strategic alliances at Visit Philadelphia and before that national marketing director at Madison Square Garden Entertainment—has moved into the cultural tourism segment with her brand new job as head of marketing at the Pennsylvania Ballet in Philadelphia.

Jetcraft, a business jet sales and acquisitions firm, is strengthening the company’s presence in the Americas with the appointment of Todd Spangler as sales director covering Florida, Central and South America. Spangler joins Jetcraft following a 25-year career in business aviation, with senior level sales positions at Bombadier, Elliott Jets, Hawker Beechcraft and NetJets. As sales director for the Americas, Spangler will oversee Jetcraft’s strategic partnerships in the region, including Aerolineas Ejecutivas which operates as a Jetcraft authorized representative in Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the Latin market in Florida and Texas.

Ginger Hoolahan is the new traffic manager at the Broadmoor Manitou & Pikes Peak Cog Railway in Colorado. She joins the facility with an extensive background in the attractions industry—including a lengthy tenure with Six Flags Magic Mountain—and will be overseeing reservations and operations as the attraction reopens its historic Railway. Hoolahan will be the main contact for group reservations as well.

Posted Industry Jobs
From SearchWide Global:
—The Washington County (Ore.) Visitors Association is seeking a new president & CEO. Click here for more information.
—There is an opening for a CEO at Experience Olympia & Beyond in Washington State. For more information, click here.
—The Myrtle Beach Chamber of Commerce is searching for a new chief marketing officer. Click here for more information.
—Destinations International has an opening for a sales & services manager. For more information, click here.
—Visit SLO CAL (San Luis Obispo County, California) is searching for a chief marketing officer. Visit here for more information.
—The Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center & Tourism Authority, located in Valdosta, Georgia, has an opening or a conference sales director. For more information, click here.
—VisitGreenvilleSC is looking for a president and CEO. For additional details, click here.
—Visit Florida is searching for a vice president of marketing. For more information, visit here.
—The Bermuda Tourism Authority is looking for a chief sales and marketing officer. For additional details, click here.
—The Little Rock Convention & Visitors Bureau has an opening for a director of sales. Click here for more information.
—The Virginia Tourism Corporation (it is the state’s DMO) has an opening for a director of research and market intelligence. Click here for more information.
—In the Charlotte/Concord area of North Carolina, Great Wolf Resorts as an opening for a director of sales and catering. For details, click here
From Indeed.com: We’ve taken a look at this site (click here) which says that it has more than 230 jobs listed, including a fair number in the travel, tourism and related industries. A sampler of what to expect is below.
—Gloucester County, Virginia is looking for a tourism coordinator to perform work in all aspects of a comprehensive tourism program for Gloucester County. More details here.
—American Cruise Lines has an opening for a tour and shore excursions planner who will be based at the company’s Guilford CT office. Click here for more information.
—Shelby County, Ala., is searching for a manager of tourism & events who will lead the planning and execution for marketing and branding of tourism invents, including DiscoverShelby and DiscoverShelby.com. Click here for more details.
From LinkedIn Jobs: Known to many across the board in the travel and tourism industry, the LinkedIn list (click here) has numerous job opportunities posted. Following is a brief sample of some of those jobs listed.
—Six Flags in Los Angeles, California has an opening for a director of tourism. Details here.
—The School of Hospitality at the Metropolitan State University of Denver has an entry level, part time position for an Events and Tourism-Events Affiliate. Details here. —Travel Edge, New York City, is looking for an independent luxury travel advisor. Details here