UK’s Pent-Up Demand Has Been Unleashed
Some 1.7 million Brits were expected to travel abroad during fall half-term. New itineraries abound.
The October 15th announcement by the U.S. government that permitted vaccinated international travelers to visit the USA, effective November 8th, set off an almost-festival-like atmosphere among U.S. travel suppliers and DMOs that sell to the UK, which is the largest source market for overseas visitors to the United States.
After all, British tour operators and the rest of the UK tourism industry for whom the USA—especially Central Florida, is the favorite overseas destination of Brits and popular, too, among other European country markets. The USA trade will miss the opportunity to tap into this year’s half-term travel surge for students, who influence family travel decisions. (Autumn term runs from early September to mid-December, with half term falling this year at the end of October.)
Throughout the UK and Western Europe (together, they usually generate two out of every five overseas visitors to the U.S.), tour operators and major travel sectors were promoting last-minute packages, increased airline seat capacity, and new and expanded product for 2022.
Yes, the numbers tell us it’s really happening. There have been enough consumer and traveler surveys that should have encouraged the industry which, prior to 2020, had high hopes: the total number visitors to the U.S. from the UK came close to 4.8 million visitors, seemingly making the first 5-million-visitor number a real possibility. Will 2022 be the year?
Easy Jet Sees 1.7 million traveling abroad this half-term break. The low-cost operator (it is the sixth largest British operator*) commissioned research among more than 2,000 adults for its annual Taking the Temperature report. The study told us that:
—One in five (21 percent) Brits currently had a holiday abroad booked;
—Nearly a quarter (24 percent) of those bookings were made in September 2021;
—1.7 million people were set to travel overseas during the school break;
—A total of 3.8 million are due to get away during the rest of 2021;
—Almost three in 10 (28 percent) travelers feel more confident about traveling abroad following the removal of the amber list and pre-departure tests.
—Beach holidays are reportedly the most sought-after type of holiday, with all-inclusive trips being the most popular holiday option according to the operator’s booking data;
—42 percent of Brits said they will be visiting “less crowded places” when traveling abroad compared to before the pandemic, while three in 10 (31 percent) will be looking to cut their impact on the environment;
—Even though it showed a modest increase in in bookings, the annual report also showed that consumers are still “apprehensive” about the protections in place if things go wrong;
—Sixty-two percent of Brits are only willing to book a holiday abroad if they feel confident their money is protected, compared to 53 percent last year;
—Financial worries are at the top of the list of concerns of holidaymakers, with 43 percent worried about losing money if they need to change their travel plans, which is an over the 38 percent registered last year.
* By passenger volume, based on number of Air Travel Organizer Licensed (ATOL) passengers.
Meanwhile Long-Term Looks Bright for North America: While there is an understandable trade focus on the present and on such measures as passengers, arrivals, guests and customers, the long-term perspective of the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), on display in a just-issued report; tells us that North America’s travel & tourism sector has soared ahead of many other regions of the world, indicates that, “With recovery taking place faster than expected, its contribution to GDP is forecast to rise 38 percent this year, ahead of the global average,” said Julia Simpson, WTTC President & CEO said: “Our research shows that while globally Travel & Tourism is slowly beginning to recover from COVID-19, North America is recovering at a much faster rate.”
WTTC data also reveal the following:
—The North American region could see a year-on-year increase of 26.4 percent next year, bringing the sector’s contribution to the North American economy back to pre-pandemic levels at nearly US$ 2.2 trillion.
—While the local economy has benefited from a rise in domestic spend, expected to grow by 43.7 percent by the end of this year and 21.4 percent in 2022, recent changes to international travel restrictions are also expected to provide a rise in international spend.
—WTTO’s research shows that international spend looks set to grow by a moderate 16.9% percent this year. However next year, the region will benefit significantly from vaccine rollouts and more relaxed travel restrictions, with international spending predicted to grow by 147 percent.
Click here for the complete TravelDailyNews article.
Germans Have Been Ready to Book
Just as the U.S. was designating Nov. 8 as the date on which qualified international travelers (travelers must be vaccinated) will be allowed to visit the country for the first time in more than a year-and-a-half, the news from Germany was already beginning to show incipient signs that the country’s travel and tourism industry was beginning to stabilize.
As reported by the Frankfurt-based research firm Travel Agency Technologies & Services GmbH (ta.ts), the total invoiced turnover of the travel agencies recorded in the “ta.ts travel agency mirror” in September 2021 is up 65.3 percent compared to the same month in 2020—an encouraging number even if compared to September 2019, the total invoiced sales dropped by 56.9 percent.
Given the attitude of German consumers at the moment—there is a general consensus that there is pent-up demand for travel and accounts from throughout the country have indicated that operators are adding itineraries for near-term travel—reliable data have become crucial toward understanding where the tourism industry is headed. The ta.ts travel agency mirror has proved to be a valuable tool of measurement, as there have been no reliable numbers on tour operator activity for some time. Just follow the figures in the September “mirror,” and one becomes encouraged over the prospects of a re-start and recovery.
Tourism Turnover in Germany
Category | vs. September 2020 | vs. September 2019 |
Total billed turnover | +51.9% | -52.9% |
Air traffic turnover | +97.8% | -64.3% |
“Other” sales | +76.6% | -42.2% |
Number of tickets | +69.5% | -61.3% |
Subdivision of cruises | +29.6% | -53.9% |
Cumulative Total of January to September
Category | vs. Jan-September 2020 | Vs. Jan-September 2019 |
Total billed turnover | -12.6% | -77% |
Air traffic turnover | -19.7% | -82.0% |
“Other” sales | +4.3% | -60.9% |
Number of tickets | -32.7% | -81.8% |
Subdivision of cruises | -27.8% | -78.7% |
Incoming Orders:
—Incoming orders for tourism in September 2021 were up 367.5% compared to the same month in 2020. The tourism order backlog by travel date up to October 2021 is was down 26.3 percent compared to 2020.
—In the cruises sub-division, incoming orders are plus in a month-on-month comparison 210.8 percent, and the order backlog by travel date up to October 2021 is minus 26.9 percent.
—Incoming orders for tourism in September 2021 amounted to minus 34.1 percent compared to the same month of 2019. The tourism order backlog by travel date up to October 2021 is minus 72.2 percent compared to 2019.
—In the cruises subdivision, incoming orders are down 43.8 percent compared to the month of 2019. The tourism order backlog by travel date up to October 2021 is minus 71.1 percent compared to 2019.
Germans can be expected to be ready—even on such short notice—to travel in wake of U.S. move to lift travel ban on November 8.
—As reported by Paul Needham of FVW/TravelTalk, one can look at the news and good spirits generated by the U.S. announcement that its international inbound travel ban on November 8th. A major reason is, according to Nuremberg-based TDA. (Travel Data + Analytics, or TDA), that German travelers have been prepared over recent months, to make last-minute, short-notice bookings.
—As the article put it, “Consumers in Germany are continuing to book holidays at very short notice depending on the latest travel restrictions.” These are not usually the kind of words that one uses when describing the travel booking habits of German travels.
Other notes on the TDA data:
—By the end of August 2021, the cumulative decline in sales for this year’s summer season compared to the pre-Corona summer of 2019 has further decreased by three percentage points to a minus of 59 percent compared to the previous month, TDA reported. (This isn’t very far off from the travel agency sales turnover, which declined 53 percent by the end of August vs. August 2019.
—Year-on-year, this year’s sales revenues will be well ahead of the minimal levels seen in 2020. The current increase of 144 percent year-on-year corresponds to almost €2.8 billion ($3.25 billion) more turnover for tour operator holidays organized on a package or modular basis this summer.
—Travel decisions continue to be made predominantly at short notice, TDA explained.
—The USA is allowing international tourists back into the country just in time for the winter season. And more and more destinations are loosening their restrictions, especially for those who have been vaccinated.
(Note: The TDA figures used here are based on booking data from some 1,750 travel agencies as well as leading travel portals and tour operator websites.)
Disney & Spain’s Largest Agency Target LATAM
50th birthday collaboration between the global attraction and Viajes El Corte Inglés reaches into all of LATAM markets, with Mexico as flag country.
Call it coincidence. Call it Kismet. Call it good fortune. For whatever reason, the announcement by Disney that, as a part of the 50th anniversary of Walt Disney World in Orlando, the theme park giant announced that Viajes El Corte Inglés was expanding its partnership with Disney Destinations—came on the day after that the USA was open for international travel once again.

With this alliance, Viajes El Corte Inglés extends the benefits it had in Spain as a select Disney Destinations tour operator in Latin America.
Making the announcement event on September 21st, Jenny Zapata Arias, general director of Latin America for Viajes El Corte Inglés; Alejandro Flores García, Mexico sales manager for Disney Destinations; and Ángel Sarria, Latin America sales and marketing director for Disney Destinations. As good fate would have it, the announcement came on the day after the United States government was lifting its travel ban so that vaccinated international travelers could visit the USA.
A quick primer on El Corte Inglés: It means, literally, The English Cut, as in a suit. An English cut suit is cut closer to the body and has a narrower and defined shoulder with higher armholes.
In the common parlance of European commerce, it has a different meaning: El Corte Inglés is the biggest department store group in Europe and ranks third worldwide. And its travel agencies, many of them located in the department stores, number about 600 branches worldwide. More than 500 are located in Spain and some 90 abroad.
The announcement event emphasized that Mexico will be the flag country of Latin America for Viajes El Corte Inglés, which will promote Disney sales in more than 70 branches nationwide.
● More on LATAM—Region Dominates Long Haul International Travel to USA in 2021: Because of a combination of factors—mostly less stringent and a more accommodating restrictions on those who were able to travel abroad, as well as a welcoming attitude toward Americans traveling to the region—LATAM country markets have dominated the Top 15 country markets for inbound visitors to the United States for the first eight months of 2021. In fact, nine out of ten of the Top 15 markets were LATAM countries. The monthly data on the subject from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) tell the statistical story.
Top 15 Overseas Country Markets
Arrivals in USA Year-to-Date (Through August) 2021
Country of Residence & Rank | Number of Arrivals | % Change |
1. COLOMBIA | 682,220 | 393.0 |
2. PERU | 279,840 | 319.9 |
3. ECUADOR | 250,285 | 173.0 |
4. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | 234,515 | 175.0 |
5. INDIA | 232,486 | -11.8 |
6. GUATEMALA | 173,305 | 309.3 |
7. ARGENTINA | 164,524 | 5.8 |
8. HONDURAS | 159,018 | 342.9 |
9. COSTA RICA | 154,686 | 135.9 |
10. VENEZUELA | 132,449 | 141.2 |
11. CHINA, PRC | 121,168 | -67.2 |
12. EL SALVADOR | 115,540 | 280.4 |
13. ISRAEL | 104,819 | 58.1 |
14. JAMAICA | 101,730 | 97.1 |
15. BAHAMAS | 93,872 | 94.3 |
● Another LATAM item: Not only is the Dominican Republic sending visitors to the United States in large numbers, there must be some round-trip traffic among Dominicans who are helping to drive those numbers. The country’s Ministry of Tourism reported earlier this month that the month of September just concluded was the best September in the entire history of the Dominican Republic, with more tourists arriving in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
September saw the entry of a total of 365,544 non-residents, representing a recovery of 14 percent of the influx received before the COVID 19 pandemic, specifically in September 2019, and in turn 25 percent compared to the numbers of September 2020, which they represented the generation of about $412 million to the country.
Not only is the Dominican Republic sending visitors to the United States in large numbers, there must be some round-trip traffic among Dominicans who are helping to drive those numbers. The Ministry of Tourism reported earlier this month that the month of September just concluded was the best September in the entire history of the Dominican Republic, with more tourists arriving in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
David Collado, minister of tourism for the Dominican Republic, recently affirmed that the arrival of tourists so far exceeds 3.3 million flights by non-residents in the DR during the year 2021, surpassing 2019 by the eleventh month, and highlighted that the recovery has been more noticeable in non-resident foreign tourists who usually stay in the country for an average of 7 days.
Collado pointed out that the country’s tourism industry continues to recover steadily and only the hotel, bar and restaurant sector of the economy grew—26.6 percent in the January-through-August period, double the average of the economy. Also, 79 percent of non-residents who arrived in the country in 2021 were tourists of foreign origin and the remaining 21 percent of Dominican origin.
Reports Affirm Brazilians Want to Travel
Boston Consulting Group, PANROTAS and FecomércioSP, and a Major Acquisition also figure in the news.
● A just-released Boston Consulting Group (BCG) report shows that Brazilians have increasing confidence when it comes to the matter of travel. The group’s Consumer Sentiment study, which surveyed 1,500 Brazilians, notes that 70 percent of them intend to travel at the first opportunity they have. This is substantially different than the setting a year ago when the same survey showed that 76 percent of Brazilians had no intention of traveling, even to nearby destinations.
According to Brazil’s minister of tourism, Gilson Machado, “Over 150 million Brazilians have already been immunized with at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine,” adding that the achievement “was crucial to increase the confidence of travelers and get the gears of Brazilian tourism going again.”
The result of the BCG survey also reinforces the trend of domestic and proximity tourism in the country:
—26 percent of the tourists interviewed said they want to travel around Brazil;
—19 percent prefer to travel internationally.
—25 percent of respondents plan to make the next trip by car, with 45 percent doing so by plane.
—On October 12, the day of Nossa Senhora Aparecida (a national holiday in honor of Brazil’s Patron Saint, the Virgin Mary Aparecida, and especially important to Catholics) Brazilian airports registered more than 1.7 million passengers and the hotel occupancy rate was above 75 percent in the period, according to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Tourism.
Also encouraging to the travel trade that market Visit USA travel product, was the largely (but modestly) upbeat of The Brazilian Overview Monthly Report* for the month of September. Some of the Report’s key points—along with other sourced information—follow:
—The Brazilian economy was mostly stable in the second quarter as it held steady for the Q2, although GDP was only -0.1 percent. Economists had hoped for a slightly stronger performance. Of particular concern as the economy entered Q4 was inflation, which registered 9.7 percent over the previous year.
—Another concern is the drought that Brazil is now experiencing. A lack of rain has created a reduction in the levels of the reservoirs of the hydroelectric plants.
—Consumer confidence in the economy has steadily increased since this past May.
—From the Reuters COVID-19 Tracker, as of October 21, Brazil has administered at least 259,937,358 doses of COVID vaccines so far. Assuming every person needs 2 doses, that’s enough to have vaccinated about 61.6 percent of the country’s population. Given the previous profiles of Brazilian visitors to the U.S., it is likely that the percentage is much higher among those Brazilians who do travel internationally.
—With the announcement by the U.S. that vaccinated travelers were welcome in the United States beginning on Nov. 8, much of the focus on the issue is the nature of tests to be administered to those who do come.
* The Brazilian Overview Monthly Report is a joint project of Brazilian travel trade publisher, PANROTAS and FecomércioSP, a São Paulo-based business research organization.
Belvitur Acquires Flytour: According to Marcelo Cohen, president of Belvitur, the acquisition of Flytour is part of the strategy to create the largest tourism platform in the country
Marcelo Cohen (left) owner of Belvitur and other tourism-related properties, and Eloi D´Ávila Oliveira, founder of Flytour.
Belvitur, which has been operating for nearly 60 years providing corporate travel and leisure services and has diversified its offerings in recent years venturing executive aviation, focused coworking in tourism, and hotels has purchased Flytour. According to the company’s website, The Flytour Corporation is the leader in air ticket issuance in Latin America and the largest business travel agency in Brazil.
The acquisition agreement was completed after eight months of negotiations. It involved a total of R$ 500 million reais ($88.6 million), considering money and debts that were assumed, according to the newspaper Valor Econômico.
Marcelo Cohen, owner of Belvitur, will assume the presidency of the company while Eloi D’Ávila, founder of Flytour, will have a seat on the board of the new company.
What’s New?
Drawn from the current edition of TourOperatorLand The Magazine is the following sampler of new developments and products in key USA destinations. More to be found at:
● The World Games will be played in Birmingham, Alabama, July 7-17, 2022. Thousands of athletes from around the world, their families and fans will attend the Olympic style games that feature 30 sports including gymnastics, softball, waterski, dance, karate, and tug of war. Held one year after the Olympics, The World Games will be the first world sporting event of its type to have live attendance and expected to draw visitors from around the world.
The National Museum of African American Music in Nashville encourages visitors to discover the central role African Americans have played in the shaping and creating of all genres of American music. From classical to country to jazz and hip hop, NMAAM integrates history and interactive technology to share the untold story of more than 50 music genres and sub-genres. For more information, visit the website at
Hot and cold pools, indoor and outdoor facilities; barrel, steam, and dry saunas, an exfoliation room, and relaxation space, all wrapped in views of the serene Chugach Mountains at the new Alyeska Resort Nordic Spa. The spa is the first of its kind in Alaska, offering time-tested treatments surrounded by timeless Alaska beauty.
Clear Sky Resorts – Grand Canyon creates a one-of-a-kind experience that combines unbelievable amenities with unforgettable adventures. Whether you’re looking for an action-packed trip or a relaxing getaway, we invite you to escape the ordinary with a vacation that’s extraordinary. Clear Sky Resorts – Grand Canyon offers uniquely styled and themed domes will ensure you have a spectacular stay near Grand Canyon National Park!
Discover incredible views of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the city skyline from Asheville’s growing selection of unique rooftop bars. With 10 rooftop bars (nine in the downtown alone), Asheville makes it easy for you to feel on top of the world in the “Land of Sky.” Visit three or four rooftop bars on a one-of-a-kind city tour with Asheville Rooftop Bar Tours, offering a blend of history, sightseeing, and of course, adult beverages.
You’ll find more about TourOperatorLand The Magazine here.
For more information on how to partner with, contact: Betsy Cooper, Director of and Partner Engagement and/or 415,728.1085.
HODGE PODGE: Appointments, Openings and Changes

Kimberly Dunnegan recently joined the group sales team at Visit Huntington Beach. Dunnegan is an experienced sales leader in the hospitality and tourism industries. She joins the Huntington Beach team from Visit Newport Beach where she was national account director. Prior to this, she held the senior sales positions at Fashion Island Hotel Newport Beach and at Marriott.

Well known tourism industry public relations pro Shashona Puccia has joined the Duarte Chamber of Commerce in California as the organization’s executive director/CEO. Previously, she was a part of Roseworks Marketing & Le Bridge agency, operating out of Pasadena, California. Prior to that, Puccia was senior marketing manager for Macerich, a leader owner, operator and developer of mixed-used shopping malls.

Elliott Stevens has been named vice president, sales, for Teplis Travel, He comes to the position with almost 20 years of corporate travel experience including hotel management at Hyatt Hotels followed by multiple leadership roles while at Frosch International Travel. Frosch, which is ranked No. 13 in the United States on the Travel Weekly Power List of agencies that do business in the country. Stevens brings experience in national and global managed travel programs. For more than nine years, he was director, sales & global account management for Frosch.

Martin Katz will be leaving the FTI Group at the end November. The long-time head of the areas of personal travel, city trips, events and golf by the German tour operator is retiring. Katz, 65, the closes out his career after serving FTI as group destination director for more than eight years. The Strategic Destination Officer for the Self Drive, City Breaks and Golf by FTI segments, Katz has reached retirement age and will be retiring at the end of November. Katrin Schrader, who has worked for the Munich tour operator for more than a decade, the last two as senior process & project coordination manager source markets— FTI GROUP Greater Munich Metropolitan Area—is succeeding Katz.

At the Montreal-based carrier Air Transat and its holiday division, Cyril Cousin has been appointed director for France, Benelux, Switzerland and Germany. For Cousin, this is a return to the Transat group, after leaving it in 2016 when Transat France was acquired by the TUI group. He will report to Xavier Szwengler, vice president of marketing and international markets for Air Transat. Cousin began his career at Transat in 2006 as sales and marketing director of Transat Vacations and its airline Air Transat until 2010, when he joined Look Voyages as sales and marketing director. In 2013, when the two brands merged and Transat France, the third largest French tour operator, he became Director of Distribution and took charge of all B2C activities for individual sales.

Luiz Teixeira, GOL Airlines country manager for the USA, Central America and the Caribbean, has returned to Brazil, where he will still be working on the carrier’s international objectives. He had been based in Orlando since joining Gol in the summer of 2019. Previously, Teixeira served more than 24 years with Delta Air Lines, operating primarily out of São Paulo.

CPP Group UK has announced the appointment of Anna Sant as its new commercial development manager for its Parametrics insurance offerings after a period of growth for the Leeds-based InsurTech. Sant will work closely with the sales, business development and CPP Blink Parametric teams, as well as CPP UK’s parent business CPP Group. Anna joins CPP UK as a travel insurance expert with significant contacts and experience. She previously spent seventeen years at Moneysupermarket Group, where she rose to the senior management team responsible for the travel insurance distribution and partners over the course of her tenure.

Delta Air Lines has appointed Nicolas Ferri as vice president – Europe, Middle East, Africa and India, effective Nov. 1. Based in Paris, Ferri will oversee key strategic commercial and customer experience initiatives in the region, working closely with Delta’s European joint venture partners Air France, KLM and Virgin Atlantic, as the airline focuses on rebuilding its trans-Atlantic network. Prior to his appointment, Ferri has served as chief commercial officer at Delta’s partner, Aeromexico, since August 2019. In this role, he led Aeromexico’s revenue management, network planning, corporate strategy, distribution, global sales, alliances, e-commerce, customer care and loyalty functions. Ferri has been with Delta for 10 years, serving in leadership roles across the airline’s alliances, international and commercial divisions. In addition to his role with Aeromexico, previous roles with Delta include vice president – Latin America and vice president alliances, Americas.

Internova Travel Group, ranked No. 7 in Travel Weekly’s 2021 Power List of travel agencies and one of the largest travel companies in the world, has appointed two new vice presidents to the partner relations team that oversees hotel and in-country partnerships. Haisley Smith (l.) joins as vice president, program development, and Pam Meehan has been promoted to vice president, hotel programs. Both will report to Albert Herrera, executive vice president, partner relations at Internova.
Smith joins Internova from luxury leisure travel agency Brownell where she served as Vice President, Marketing and Business Development. She was responsible for developing and launching successful partnership programs for tour operators, destination management companies and hotels. Meehan previously served as senior director of hotel programs for Internova. For the past 10 years, she has been entrusted with managing the company’s highest-producing hotel partnerships, serving as the executive liaison between the leadership team and the program’s global hotel brand leaders.

Antonio Fellino has been appointed managing director of dnata Travel Group-owned Travel Republic, having served in the role on an interim basis since January 2019. Fellino has previously worked in various leadership roles with dnata after he joined the firm from Thomas Cook in 2014, after spending five years at the tour operator as head of ecommerce. As vice-president of B2C ecommerce and retail between 2016-2019, he led the transformation of dnata Travel leisure in the UAE into a fully integrated business that encompassed both ecommerce and digital businesses.

Mario Habig has joined the German tour operator FTI, where he will be responsible for destination management for the FTI Group’s own agencies with around 40 agencies in 18 countries. Habig has some 20 years of experience in tourism and has extensive expertise in destination management. At the TUI Group, he was responsible for the operative management of the agency in India as well as supra-regional responsibility for the DMCs on the Indian subcontinent, in Africa and in the Indian Ocean.

Job Postings
From SearchWide Global:
—Visit Denver is seeking to hire a new vice president of tourism. More details here.
—Visit Santa Cruz is searching for a new CEO/Executive Vice President. More details here.
—The Little Rock Convention & Visitors Bureau has an opening for a director of marketing. More details here.
—There is an opening for the position of president & CEO at Visit Fort Wayne. More details here.
—The North Lake Tahoe Resort Association is looking for a CEO. More details here.
—Visit Savanah has an opening for a vice president of communications & marketing. More details here.
—Destinations International is searching for a vice president of equity, diversity & inclusion. More details here.
—Valdosta-Lowndes Co. Conference & Tourism Authority has an opening for a catering and sales director. More details here.
—The City of Tacoma has an opening for a director of venue & events. More details here.
—Visit Dana Point is looking for an executive director. More details here.
—Visit Milwaukee is searching for a vice president of marketing and communications. More details here.
—Discover The Palm Beaches is looking for an associate vice president of group sales. More details here.
—Discover The Palm Beaches is searching for a director of events, tradeshow & strategic sales partnerships. More details here.
—The Petoskey Area Visitors Bureau, which represents an area of coastal communities in northwestern Michigan, has an opening for a new executive director. More details here.
—The Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau is seeking a senior vice president of convention sales. More details here.
—The Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade is searching for a director of marketing and communications. More details here.
—Freeman is searching for a vice president, national graphics. More details here.
—In the Charlotte/Concord area of North Carolina, Great Wolf Resorts has an opening for a director of sales and catering. For details, click here
From LinkedIn Jobs: Known to many across the board in the travel and tourism industry, the LinkedIn list (click here) has numerous job opportunities posted. Following is a brief sample of some of those jobs currently listed.
—City Experiences has an opening for a national associate director of tourism. More details here.
—Traders Village, a Houston area amusement park, is looking to hire someone for its tourism sector. More details here.
Las Vegas-based Legends, which focuses on premium experiences for its customers, has an opening for a groups and tourism manager. More details here.
—Delta Air Lines is searching for a specialist, reservations strategic initiatives. More details here.
From We’ve taken a look at this site (click here) which says that it has hundreds of new jobs listed, including a fair number in the travel, tourism and related industries. A sampler of what to expect is below.
—Grand Circle LLC, a Boston-based travel company that offers all-inclusive package tours to its customers, is looking for an inbound travel sales counselor. More details here.
—The city of Eustis, Florida is looking for an events & tourism manager. Salary range is $50,361 to $75,670 a year. More details here.
—The Philadelphia office of Tiquets, the global ticket booking company for attractions, is looking for a U.S.-based supply coordinator (the company is headquartered in the Netherlands). More details here.
—The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority is looking for a vice president of guest experience. The salary range is $130,000 – $157,000 a year: More details here.
Have a job to offer in the travel and tourism industry? Let us know and we’ll post your notice—no cost to you. Email