In this Issue:

Toward a More Stable Future
New Expedia™ study shows a re-awakening among markets, as well as confirmation of what most of us already new—NYC is the only Top Ten destination in all four major world regions.

Why Colombia?
The numbers* behind 2021’s most productive overseas source market for inbound tourism.

USA is Dream Destination for Brits in 2022
From a Nightmare to a Dream: In our more than two-and-a-half decades of reporting on the inbound tourism market to the USA, the United Kingdom has never been more happily full of itself…

China’s Travel Trade Anxious to Re-start
With the 2022 Winter Olympic Games and their stringent curbs on tourism behind us, inbound industry looking to market, promote and sell.

Industry news of new ventures, mergers, and new product being offered.

HODGE PODGE: Appointments, Openings and Changes

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