In this Issue:

Pent-up Demand Shows Itself in NTTO Data
We can all breathe a sigh of relief.

ITB 2022—There Was a Good Spirit about …
For the second year in a row, the annual ITB trade show that usually takes place in Berlin was a virtual event

Brazil: Jogo de Cintura, continued …
In their last Brazilian overview for the month just prior to the end of 2021, the Brazilian publishing giant PANROTAS and FECOMERCIOSP, the São Paulo-based business and economic research organization, served up a tentative but positive outlook

TRADE TALK & Tourism Industry Buzz
News and happenings in the industry.

RTO Summit East
Connect Travel’s RTO Summit East in New York City was a “thumbs-up” success for everyone Enjoy the slideshow.

HODGE PODGE: Appointments, Openings and Changes

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