But They Still Like TV over Online Launches: Results from a new demographic study of British travelers show that one out of eight (12 percent) of Baby Boomers (aged 53 – 73 years) and 14 percent of Traditionalists (aged 74 and over) say they’re most likely to be on the lookout for new travel brands or experiences. This is one of the key findings derived from a study commissioned by the UK-based launch marketing specialist agency, Five by Five.
While travel brand launches are important to what Five by Five describes as “The Grey Pound,” the picture is different for other groups:
—Only 9 percent of UK consumers overall say that travel launches are what they look out for most,
—Almost one in five (19 percent) most anticipate new technology products.
—Only 5 percent of Millennials say that travel launches are their number one focus.
—In addition, one in ten Traditionalists say the travel industry delivers the most memorable launches, compared to only 3 percent overall.
The survey also found that in a world of digital and social media, TV is still the main medium by which older consumers learn about new product launches:
—Fifty-three percent of Baby Boomers say they first noticed new products when they appeared on television
—Fifty-one percent of Traditionalists say they first noticed new products when they appeared on television, while
—Only 3 percent of Baby Boomers saw them on social media and 5 percent in online ads.
James Roles, sales and marketing director for Five by Five noted that “shareable content and social buzz allow travel brands to generate pre-launch engagement in a way no other medium can hope to match. However, it seems many brands have been launching online with the product in mind and not the customer. A lot of older people still rely on TV and print ads to learn about new holiday destinations and opportunities.”
Most Don’t Seem to Notice at All: The new research also found that 61 percent of UK consumers – rising to 74 percent of Baby Boomers – are not aware of any new launches from the past 12 months at all.
—In addition, only 3 percent believe celebrity endorsement makes launches stand out.
—Just one in 14 people (7 percent) said they actually noticed a launch because a celebrity or influencer mentioned it.
—On social platforms: Only one-quarter of consumers (and only one in five Baby Boomers) say they would share branded content or information about a new product or service launch in return for a promotional offer while less than one-quarter (23 percent) would share branded content if they felt it met a friend or family member’s needs.