A report on the Spring 2022 Chinese Traveler Sentiment Report

The sunny sky behind the cloudy sky is what international leisure travel marketers to China point out in a new report—the Spring 2022 Chinese Traveler Sentiment by Dragon Trail International, the global marketing and promotion company based in China and the UK. ForwardKeys joined in furnishing the survey with additional insights that were mostly focused on domestic travel in China. The Sentiment Report is the fifth edition of the product. The last report was a little more than six months ago. Some of the findings of both are paired in some charts or tables in order to illustrate differences.

Discussing the Sentiment Report In a webinar, Sienna Parulis-Cook, Dragon Trail’s director of marketing and communications, said that its team of surveyors “asked about overall travel sentiment, opinions on China’s quarantine-on-arrival policy, appraisal of outbound destinations, domestic travel trends, and more.”
“Although feelings of caution and hesitancy surrounding travel have risen during this period of outbreaks and lockdowns around China,” she added, “there has also been an increase in those who say they are eager to travel. At the same time, we’ve observed softening attitudes towards quarantine policies, and improved perceptions of travel safety for every single country included in our survey.”
The Basics, or Why It’s So Challenging Right Now. Not necessarily in any particular order, they are:
● Outbound group and package tours have now been banned for more than two years (since January 2020).
● Outbound travel for non-essential reasons has been repeatedly discouraged.
● New passports are not being issued except for essential travel reasons.
● Flight tickets are far more expensive than ever.
● Flights are limited in number, and flights are often canceled.
● China’s COVID-driven shutdowns and other restrictive steps remain.
However …
● Some major cities in China are taking small steps to reduce the number of days that arriving/returning air passengers must spend in quarantine.
● Domestic air travel has been active—active enough that airports and airlines would not require much of an adaptation period to get back to flying.
● Since late last November, a number of Asia-Pacific nations have opened partially opened up for travel. They include Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, India, Singapore, Thailand and Australia. (Info from ForwardKeys)
—Finding: travel remains on hold for most, but the needle has moved up, as the number of those who are “eager to travel” is on the rise.

—Finding: Quit quarantining!

—Finding: It’s clear that a reduction in, or elimination of quarantines for those returning home would have an impact the answers to the question, “What would make you consider outbound travel?”

—Finding: Once the pillar of international tourism packages and itineraries, group travel is passé, and FIT is so “today.”

—Finding: The preferences for travel have remained about the same since last September.

—Finding: The preferred outbound destination for Chinese travelers is … *

* It should be pointed out that just 24 percent have international travel experience.
Note on methodology. The Spring 2022 Chinese Traveler Sentiment Report by Dragon Trail Research involved 1,011 survey responses from mainland Chinese. The survey was conducted via Tencent on March 9-14, 2022. All survey respondents have an interest in traveling, with 24 percent having outbound travel experience. They come from 49 first-tier, new first-tier, and second-tier cities. By age group, 16 percent are Post 00s; 35 percent are Post-90s; 29 percent are Post 80s; 15 percent are Post 70s; 5 percent are post 60s and older.