In this Issue:

Overseas Arrivals Slip-Sliding toward 2022
Colombia, however, is on course to possible all-time record year for U.S. arrivals.

Another Survey: NYC is Travel’s Top City
Expedia Q3 Report Shows New York City is APAC Traveler Favorite …

Inbound Student Market Stays Strong
Those studying in U.S. manage to get here and stay here despite the pandemic.

Brazil—Closing out 2021 with Confidence
For so much of 2021, the tenor of the coverage of developments in the Brazilian economy and its travel and tourism sector was one of a muted confidence.

What’s New?
Drawn from the current edition of TourOperatorLand The Magazine is the following sampler of new developments and products in key USA destinations

HODGE PODGE: Appointments, Openings and Changes

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